Learn To Be A Soul Winner By Video
- Do you live where soul winning is not taught?
- Do you want to tell others about Jesus, but you're not sure how?
- Do you want to tell others how to win souls?
- Do you know an unsaved person who would sit down and watch a video in the privacy of their home?
Recommended by:
- Dr. Joe M. Boyd: "You'd not find anything better in the presentation of Jesus Christ as Saviour."
- Dr. Dennis Corle: "It has an abundance of practical helps that would be a tremendous help to the novice soul winner and the experienced soul winner to sharpen his tools."
- Dr. Jack Hyles: "I am pleased to recommend the soul winning method of my good friend, Dennis Blocker, and his excellent video on soul winning. This is not only a man who teaches soul winning, but a man who does it."
- Dr. DeWayne Nichols: "As the pastor of those involved in putting this video together, I can testify that they not only teach soul winning, they practice soul winning."
- Dr. Lee Roberson: "The greatest business in the world is soul winning. I want to commend Dennis Blocker for his forceful ministry in this great work of winning others. I want to give my full endorsement of "People Need The Lord." This is a stirring and moving soul winning video focusing on the primary endeavor of every Christian. It will stir people to a renewed desire to witness for Christ."
- Dr. Carl Hatch: "I phoned my friend, Dennis Blocker, and said, "If I may, Brother Blocker, I'd like to rate this soul winning video that God has placed on your heart on a scale of 1-10. I give it a very high 10 with my full unreserved endorsement. I'm convinced that anyone can sit down and learn to be a soul winner by watching it and putting it into action what's presented. I give it my highest recommendations."
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San Antonio, Texas 78227
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