The Priday Newsletter

April 1997

Dear Friends,

Today in bringing our records up to date it was brought to our attention that there are thirty four churches that have supported us since 1980 when this record book was started. We praise the Lord that most of these have supported us since we started as missionaries twenty four years ago in 1973. We praise the Lord for such faithfulness and consistency of so many.

There are several individuals who have supported us through these many years. They are Mr. & Mrs. John Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Elliott and John P. Hill.

We are very grateful for each one who has supported us through these many years through your local church. May the Lord Bless each of you in a special way for your love and sacrifice.


We will now be receiving our mail at this mission office. Please change your mailing address to:

724 N. Jim Wright Frwy, Fort Worth, TX 76108

We will be looking forward to seeing you again this year as w start our furlough. We are pleased to have friends like you. We appreciate your sacrifice in prayer and support. The report that we will be bringing is yours. Thank you.

Yours in Christ,

Harold L. Priday

"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring..." John 10:16

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